Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Believe...

I did this on my regular blog and found myself thinking of lots of slightly dark thoughts to believe in as well - so here goes:

I believe:

*Nearly all horror movies have some redeeming qualities (I said nearly...)

*Stephen King's earlier works are much more frightening.

*I'd rather sleep with a vampire than a werewolf. Excess hair is a real turnoff, even compared to being coffin bait.

*A small stay in an insane asylum isn't necessarily a bad thing.

*'Let the Right One In' is how vampires should be done.

*Serial killers are sadly, damn interesting.

*Escargot (snails) have to be the scariest food - well, except the bugs and shit that that Andrew Zimmern dude eats!

*Ghosts have the right to be pissed.

*Remaking classic horror films is an iffy task, only remotely effective in most cases. One example of a dazzling exception: 'The Thing' (1982 remake of '51 film)

*The tv show 'Moonlight' was cancelled too soon :(

*3D horror films (or any 3D gimmick) is redundant and silly. And the glasses make my face hurt, dammit.

*Anita Blake has turned into a mega-slut. But I still read on, for Jean-Claude's sake.

*The X-Files still has not been worthily replaced.

*Johnny Depp can portray any dark character with unbridled enthusiasm.

*Twilight, while fascinating, is truly vamp-lite in my book.

*'Shaun of the Dead' is friggin' brilliant.

*I may have to order me up some HBO, to see what all the True Blood fuss is about...

*It's always darkest...when the lights are out.

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