Sunday, December 25, 2011

Have A Bloody Good Holiday......Or Else!

                                                Happy Holidays from Fascination with Fear!


Hope Christmas isn't too much of a headache for you!


*Sunday Bloody Sunday will return in the New Year.  May it be a bloody good one!  ~ Cheers!


  1. Merry Christmas Christine, you gorgeous little darlin`.

  2. Happy--oh wait, it's already over. Damn it. By the way, I bought and watched Phantasm last week and enjoyed the hell out of it. Definitely better than anything I've seen lately.

  3. Thanks for the holiday wishes Eddie, Doug & B.R.
    Hope yours were merry as well!

    And B.R., glad you liked Phantasm, it's a treat. And yes, a lot better than most of the dreck I've been seeing these last few years.
    Here's hoping the new year brings some originality back to the genre...

  4. Wishing for originality means that people need to stop watching sequels, remakes, re-imaginings and adaptations. (Not that I've stopped all those, but I keep it at the minimum.) There are tons of original ideas out there. The studios (often correctly) think the masses don't want to see them.

  5. Doug, Agreed on all points except the adaptations. I very much enjoy watching good material (be it from novels, graphic novels, short stories, etc.) be adapted for the screen. I do prefer to have read the original first though, which comes with the realization that the source material is almost always better than the film.
    But sometimes I am surprised, such as in the case of films like The Silence of the Lambs and Let The Right One In.... these films (and many more) have done a superb job of telling the story through film. It's the reason I love the original '89 TV film version of The Woman in Black and my hope that the upcoming 2012 release will satisfy as well...

  6. Of all the things I cited, the adaptation is the one I have the least problem with, but it's also the one most easily ruined (think King). Of course, I was also pretty happy when it looked like one of my own short stories and "Nothing Men" were being made into films. (Nothing came of either as of yet.)

  7. what kind of movie is this not good at a lot
