Thursday, February 20, 2014

DARK ARTS: Spotlight On Santiago Caruso

"Pan's Labyrinth"
~by Marie Robinson

Visual art is timeless. Paintings set into frames serve as windows into different worlds, and into their creators’ minds and hearts. In our new ongoing feature, Dark Arts, we would like to open the portals into dark and forbidden places. We want to highlight the artists who bring nightmares to life and create images so grotesquely gorgeous they remain in our thoughts long after we’ve looked away.

S. Caruso
Argentinean artist Santiago Caruso is not only a master of the surreal; he has also found himself a high rank in the horror community.
I wanted to feature him in celebration of the recent cover unveiling of Undertow Books’ upcoming anthology Year’s Best Weird Fiction: Volume One, upon which Caruso’s artwork is featured.

His art has adorned the faces of dozens of other books, among them Holes for Faces by Ramsey Campbell, The Wide Carnivorous Sky by John Langan, and two volumes of Best Horror of the Year.  He has also illustrated a number of books, including a version of Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror and Historias de Vampiros.

Take a look at the pieces I have selected above and below, and go to his website here: ( for further nightmarish inspiration.


"The Spectral House"

"Illustrations from Miss Christina"

(cover)  Year's Best Weird Fiction


"Illustrations from Miss Christina"
*Are you or someone you know artistically talented and would like to be under consideration for our spotlight?  Let us know how to reach you in the comments!  Thanks!

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