And now - Part 2...

The Fog (1980)

Wind Chill

The Descent 2

Jurassic Park

*Foreign films are quite striking this way:

Sauna (2008, Finland)

Pan's Labyrinth (2007, Spain)

Let the Right One In (2008, Sweden)
*Black and white makes water look even more ominous.

Let's Scare Jessica to Death

Lake Mungo

*Weren't vampires meant to be in monochrome?

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Dracula (1979)
Creepy kids...even worse in black & white...

The Omen

The Devil's Backbone

Trick 'r Treat

Children of the Corn
*I'd think twice before buying, renting, attending school, or spending the weekend in any of these places...

Burnt Offerings

The Amityville Horror

The Evil Dead

Psycho 2 [don't tell me that picture isn't perfect.....]
Again, period films really work this way.
The first of two from Angel Heart:

The Burrowers

*Werewolves: Proving color means nothing when you're talking terror.

Dog Soldiers

An American Werewolf in London
*Don't you hate it when the person next to you just might not be himself anymore?

The Thing (1982)

The Machinist [god that's dreadful!]

The Crazies (2010) [proving Timothy Olyphant looks good even without a bit of color in his cheeks.]
There are way too many good films in there to even begin commenting on them. The only one I have never heard of or seen is that one titled Sauna. That image was very cool and paired up with the rest of the pack, I would guess it's a good movie?
Matt - Sauna is a really atmospheric yet rather slow movie. Doubt it's for everyone but I couldn't resist all its creepy goodness! It's Finnish, but the dialogue is sparse at times so not annoying. Decent story...eerie stuff.
I don't mind slow if the story is good, and I love me some good atmosphere. I'll be adding it to the list...thanks for the recommendation!
Pan's Labyrinth might lose something with this conversion.
Some of these look AWESOME and I wouldn't mind one bit rewatching a few of them in black & white. That could be quite interesting, as a matter of fact.
1 vote each for Lake Mungo, Trick or Treat, The Machinist. hell, the Machinist one is totally off the scale... excellent!!!
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