The basis from this particular film is inspired by true events. Kentucky-bred Charlie Crowe was a real person who became obsessed with uncovering the truth about a series of deaths in his hometown and beyond, in particular a young man who called in with wild claims of 'shadow people' in his house. The man was in fear for his life and in fact did perish without any reasonable explanation.
Blamed on Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome (SUNDS), many victims of shadow people before their untimely deaths had spoke of a presence around them - someone watching them, an entity they saw out of the corner of their eye that waited until they were almost asleep and then paralyzed them with fear, essentially scaring them to death.
Shadow People are purposely elusive, coming into your peripheral vision but darting away when you turn to look. There are entire websites dedicated to the stories of people who have had encounters with them, or know someone whose life was cut short when they inexplicably died in their sleep. People describe seeing dark figures in the doorways of their bedroom or hovering over their beds, walking down stairways, lurking in hallways, or just simply appearing in front of someone - rendering them unable to move, struck with fear.
Some folks have woke up from a deep sleep only to have relentless pressure on their chest, making it hard to breathe.
Shadow People are markedly different than ghosts, in that there is no real reason to be haunted. Victims of this phenomena can't seem to give a good reason why they would be targeted for this abject fear. They just know they are in harm's way. Not unlike the "slender man" myths, shadow people seem to strike fear into the hearts of normally sane people. Just what is going on? Is there actually a medical condition that could mimic this kind of tragedy?

Many religions and beliefs have accepted the concept of shadow people, believing them a malevolent force that comes to take away the soul and essentially the life force of their victims. The paralyzing fear is what stops the heart, and the victim is helpless to escape. It is different than night terrors as those nightmares are meant to wake from. When the Shadow People come to visit you at night, they mean to harm you. They will terrorize you, sit on your chest so you can't breathe, let you slip into eternal darkness, all because you give them the satisfaction of believing in them.
In Shadow People, Charlie is compelled to find out more about these strange occurrences when he receives a package with evidence of sleep studies done in which the participants died in their sleep from unknown causes. When an investigator (Eastwood) from the CDC looks Charlie up for some answers regarding the death of the young man and this "farce" called shadow people, the two become embroiled in a search for the truth, which might lead them down a path less ordinary - and much more sinister.
Whether or not you believe in shadow people, the film of the same name does boast some startling images and creepy moments. Dallas Roberts, who usually plays supporting characters, holds his own quite well here and his escalating fear of the unknown makes his paranoia palpable and weirdly engaging. The dark, shadowy sets make for some great atmosphere, and the subject matter ought to make more than one person go clamoring for their laptop to google Shadow People. Which, if we're keeping score, is a win for the makers of this film. So watch the movie, then do your research. Maybe you've already seen a dark shadow in the corner of your room - or felt an unseen force causing pressure in your chest....if that's the case, then perhaps you've already met the shadow people....
Nice Review! I thought this was a pretty good movie, I wanted to see if there was any reality to it, seems like it is based on issues as discussed here and presented in the movie. And no, I have never seen any shadows or had pressure on my chest! I guess if you believe in something strong enough, as the CDC gal, it can cause you to react to it...
I have seen shadow people and felt what they call sleep paralysis. A lot of people call them demons though
The strangest thing about the phenomena of what is called, for want of a better term, Shadow People, is that their strength lies in their elusiveness. I believe vehemently that they come from another dimension that's much 'colder' than ours,seeking the warmth of our bodies in order to help invigorate their own
I would think SUNDS would more likely be a form of Sleep Apnea specifically Central Sleep Apnea where it is not an obstruction of the air ways but an issue of the brain not telling the body to breathe. As someone with Narcolepsy with Cataplexy that causes hypnogogic and and hypnopompic hallucinations as well as sleep paralysis we see our fair share of our “sleep paralysis demon” it’s usually a shadowy figure all black not features. I’ve seen the hat man. It’s not fun and is insanely scary. I also have sleep apnea. My personal opinions of both SIDS (when proved there was nothing to suffocate on) and SUNDS is most likely undiagnosed CSA that caused them to simply stop breathing all together. Sleep conditions are incredibly strange things and if you have one you usually have more than one. I wouldn’t think there would be any signs of CSA upon an autopsy.
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