Confession time: I like movies about voodoo. In fact, I own several, including The Serpent and the Rainbow and The Skeleton Key -both of which I like quite a bit. But if pressed, I would always choose Angel Heart (1987) as my favorite voodoo film. I also enjoy movies about devils, demons & Satanism, not because I like Satan - but because I like how it messes people up. Angel Heart has a fair smattering of that as well, so it's just an all-out fun fest for me.
I first saw it many, many years ago, and it made an indelible impression on me. Mickey Rourke was so spot-on in his portrayal of the shabby private investigator digging into nasty secrets, he ruled the film. Then again he was in nearly every scene, how could he not?

Written and directed by Alan Parker from a screenplay based on the book 'Falling Angel' by William Hjortsberg, and brilliantly scored by Trevor Jones, Angel Heart tells the story of a man searching for a missing person that ends up being intricately involved in his own life.

Meeting in a church hall of some kind, he listens in on a vibrant Harlem minister trying to get money out of his exuberant congregation. When Mr. Winesap (Dann Florek of Law & Order SVU!) finally retrieves him, they pass a room with a door open, and a woman is cleaning a major bloodstain off the wall. Apparently one of the preacher's congregation took a gun to his head.
Images such as these become commonplace in this film, with the dark and seedy underbelly of society rearing its ugly head.

When Harry says he's no clue who Johnny Favorite is, Cyphre explains that he gave Johnny some help after the war, and he'd like to collect on the debt owed. But the man went missing. He was injured in the war, enough to have amnesia and be sent to a special hospital where they allegedly did some experimental procedures that rendered Johnny a virtual zombie. It's also mentioned that his wounds pretty much ruined his face and made him unrecognizable.
Cyphre states all he wants is to know if Johnny is alive or dead. Each year they receive notice that Johnny is still at said hospital, but within the last week he and Winesap had made the trip there themselves, and were given the runaround. What they wish is for Harry to go check into it.

Seems Dr. Fowler faked Liebling's transfer because a man named Edward Kelly and an unidentified woman came and picked him up years ago. Fowler was paid off to keep up the ruse of him still being at the hospital.
Fowler, in a cold sweat cause he needs his morphine, is helped into bed by Harry, who is heading out to get a bite to eat before heading back for more chat with Fowler.

With a new lead to follow but utterly wigged out, he meets with Cyphre again, explaining that he's not sure he can continue the investigation because of the danger involved and the fact that the cops might think he's a suspect in Fowler's death.

Harry goes back to the room where he and Cyphre originally met and after some snooping, he opens a closet which turns out to be a religious altar of some kind. But certainly not a Christian one, what with eyeballs, a dead monkey, black candles, upside down crosses and other bizarre artifacts. Heading back down into the heart of the church, he sees a lone woman sitting in a chair dressed all in black. As a strange feeling comes over him (made even more eerie from the heart-beat sounds that permeate from the movie score), he is just about to touch her when he is attacked and chased from the church by three thugs. They race after him, through the church and out onto the street, eventually losing him during a religious parade.

As the two go over the case, Harry has a strange moment of déjà vu, in which he envisions a soldier standing in Times Square, circa WWII, in a crowd of thousands. The incessant heart beat background amps up again and Harry seems a million miles away.
Harry follows up on a few leads, speaking first to Johnny's bandleader Spider, from who he finds out Johnny had a secret love named Evangeline Proudfoot who ran a voodoo shop in Harlem.
Also in the mix was a palm reader named Madame Zora - a fortune teller. Madame Zora ends up being Johnny's (other) girlfriend, Margaret Krusemark (Charlotte Rampling), who packed up and headed south to New Orleans several years ago.

(Now I'm sure every man watching this film no doubt got a raging hard-on after seeing Lisa Bonet doing her version of a wet t-shirt contest right here. Well boys, it's only just begun.)
He asks if she knows Johnny, but she replies no. She also doesn't admit to knowing Toots Sweet, an old band member of Johnny's that Harry wants to talk to. He leaves, but not before he writes his address on a piece of paper to give her. (Ah, what did we do before cell phones and email?)

Supremely freaked out at this point, he still follows Toots home. But Toots is wise to his game and the old man tries to cut him with a straight razor. But Harry turns the tables and accosts Toots, trying to garner all the information he can. He gives Toots his address as well, and leaves, dropping the straight razor on the floor.
Following that, he has another of his illogical and surreal daydreams in which he is covered with blood and approaching a woman in black again. He drops a razor from his bloody hands and just as he touches the woman he comes back to reality and realizes he's not alone.

Harry has yet another strange episode, which is becoming more and more like a flashback, he realizes it's New Year's Eve in Times Square, and just as he again approaches the man in uniform, he's back to the present. He's understandably confused as to the reason he's remembering these things; is he losing it or is he channeling something evil?

Everywhere he goes, it's obvious someone is following him. At this point, he gets attacked by a dog, followed by a couple of guys warning him to leave town. Seems everyone is in on the secret except him.
He heads back to Epiphany's, where he lets her know that he's aware she's a mambo priestess and that she lied about knowing Toots. Nonchalantly, she shocks him by admitting that Johnny Favorite is her daddy. Johnny left her mom when he got drafted and was never heard from again.
Summoned to a church, he finds Louis Cyphre is in town and waiting for an update. He explains about his many brushes with death and they discuss all the particulars. Can I just say it's fucking amazing that Harry hasn't figured out the enigmatic Mr. Cyphre is the devil incarnate. Big duh there.
But Cyphre convinces Harry to continue the case.

Inside, they have a little discussion about Johnny and then some entirely inappropriate words about sex in general.
She has already mentioned the fact that she is only seventeen, but the way they look at each other is self-explanatory. She describes her relationship with spirits that got her pregnant, and the fact that her mother said Johnny was a terrific lover.
As Lavern Baker's Soul on Fire plays in the background, we finally get to some seriously provocative sex. I'm actually talking quite graphic, without a doubt. (While edited to get an R-rating in theaters, the special edition DVD is most certainly unrated, and if the sex was merely simulated I'll eat my hat - and yours as well.)
With a roof that is leaking in several places, the rain gets louder and louder as drops plop into pans placed around the room, and the sex becomes nearly violent as images of orgies and scarlet death flash into the scenes. The rainwater turns to blood, and soon the walls are just running red.
It's an amazing scene, so raw and untamed - yet surprisingly disturbing.
Cops turn up again the next morning, telling him what he already knows - about Margaret Krusemark being dead. Of course they also have words about the black girl in his room, stating polite society doesn't stoop that low in New Orleans (it is the mid-fifties after all). Harry comes back with a witty "Well I ain't from here..."
After they leave, Epiphany is taking a bath and singing one of Johnny's songs, which Harry seems to find unnervingly familiar.
Okay, here's where you'll want to stop if you haven't seen the ending. You've been warned.

Edward admits he's had his goons chasing him all along, and that he's the one that stole Johnny away. Margaret and Johnny were into all kinds of black magic, and Johnny made a pact with Satan - selling his soul for stardom.
Attempting to deceive the Devil , they stole a man from the street on New Years Eve - took him to a hotel, cut him open and ate his heart in a bizarre ritual. Favorite assumed the original Harry Angel's identity to escape the devil's wrath by pretending to be wounded in the war and tucked away in the hospital. Margaret kept the soldier's dog tags, hiding them away in a vase.
At this point, Harry starts remembering. He finds Kelly, dead in a vat of boiling gumbo. Running back to Margaret's he searches for the vase. Finally finding it, he breaks it open and finds the dog tags of the soldier who was stolen from the street. The tags say Angel, Harold.
Louis Cyphre appears in the room, finally making it know that he is Lucifer (the name being a play on the word) and that he's come back to get Johnny's soul that is owed to him. Utterly destroyed, Harry realizes he IS Johnny Favorite, and under the devil's influence he killed all those people... Then it dawns on him that Epiphany is actually his daughter.
He rushes back to his hotel but finds Epiphany dead on his bed, his dog tags around her neck and lying in a pool of blood. The cops are already there, and issue him a warning that he's going to burn for this.
Harry/Johnny agrees, adding, "In Hell."
The final scene as the credits run is Johnny, riding an old iron elevator down floor after floor, most certainly to hell.

The New Orleans and Harlem locations also lend a lot of grim reality to the film. The nastiness of human nature can be scarier than anything conjured up by a filmmaker.
There are such grim, morbid overtones from the beginning to the end of Angel Heart. From the ominous back alley bowels of a city to the sinister religious innuendos infused throughout, the film has no chance of a happy ending, you know that going in. But the hopeless journey is so frighteningly engrossing that you can't take your eyes off the screen.
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