I'm generally not one to talk smack about the dead, and that's really not what I'm doing here, but I really have to say - Brittany Murphy looks like death warmed over throughout this entire film. Yes I realize she died in late 2009, ironically just days after this film came out on DVD. Which in and of itself is creepy enough, but when you take a look at the DVD cover and it shows her looking quite cadaverous lying in a bathtub - and Brittany was found in her bathroom - it just freaks a girl out. Quite frankly, in this whole film she looks just steps from death. Resembles a forlorn crack addict on the way out. Poor thing, I feel bad for what happened to her, but man she is simply pale and lifeless in this movie. Perhaps that is what the role called for...perhaps she was already ill. Either way, she made me want to tuck her into bed with some Tylenol and a cold rag on her forehead. Seriously, practically every scene she is in she looks either on the brink of death or utterly stoned.
Not that her acting is that bad. The film has her character, Alice, moving into a stunning Victorian house out in the middle of nowhere. She's a screenwriter and is leaving a city apartment because her ex is getting out of jail soon and she doesn't want him finding her. Her friend Rebecca (Tammy Blanchard) is helping her pack and drives her out to the rental house owned by a producer friend of hers. There is a vague discussion between the two girls about Alice being just a few fries short of a happy meal, apparently due to something said ex-boyfriend has done (and evidently done jail time for). Lots of comments like "did you bring your medicine?" and "you really sure you want to stay here alone?" really make you wonder what on earth happened to her.
So her good friend Rebecca leaves the fragile Alice at the sprawling near-mansion in order for her to "be alone to finish her manuscript before her deadline". Yeah, I'd really like to think my BFF wouldn't leave me by myself if I was close to rocking in the corner or worse yet scared to death of an old boyfriend. But hey, this is the movies. Whatever.

She starts to receive the prerequisite creepy phone calls, unexplained noises, and is eventually led to the attic (where no one in their right mind would venture to in an unfamiliar house). She finds a box of videotapes and sets about checking them out. I should mention that she conveniently has a video camera with her and has a habit of filming random things. She begins watching said videos and becomes convinced something terrible has happened in the house. Overcome with the feeling that the couple in the videos have had a tragedy happen there, Alice discovers upon further viewing that Lucy (Thora Birch) and David (Marc Blucas) were a happily married couple who were having a baby. However, as time (and videos) go by, David appears to be an extremely jealous and frenzied man. He claims Lucy has been cheating on him and that the baby is not his.
Amazing to me is the fact that Alice watches the undated video clips in the clearly appropriate order, making her mystery-solving as easy as an episode of Scooby-Doo, with the next answer just within reach.

Deadline isn't exactly rocket science. I had it figured out well before the ending but really wanted to see how it played out. Like I said, it's a slow-mover, so much so that I actually drifted off (blame my surgical pain meds!) a few times and had to rewind. Probably a good thing though, because I think it may take a second viewing to get the entire gist of this one. The soundtrack/score is rather good here, lending a spooky backtrack to all of Alice's wandering aimlessly around dark empty rooms and trips to the bathroom to that damn leaky faucet.

One final note: the movie poster for Deadline was pulled immediately after Murphy's death on December 20th, 2009. It had only been in release for 19 days (though it didn't play theaters, it went straight to DVD). The unnerving image from the movie poster that I have at the top of this post is the original. The one I display here is the one they used after her death. Personally I think they both are in poor taste after how she died. It creeps me out to see her displayed there in that bathtub like that, in particular with the title of the film. But no one said movie studios have a heart.
Just stumbled across your blog a few days ago and I love it!! I have a movie blog as well just started in July. Any pointers??
Hi Ashley,
Thanks for reading! As far as pointers go I'm no expert, but as a reader of tons of other blogs, I would say what I like most to see is originality - personal opinions and creative writing go a long way to interest me, so much so that I can even overlook bad grammar (which is crazy-hard because I'm a grammar Nazi, lol).
After checking out your blog (great job so far!) I would only make one suggestion: make sure you credit IMDB when you are taking those goofs & trivia paragraphs and copying them word for word to your blog. That goes for Amazon.com or anywhere else that you take original work from.
While it's doubtful that you would get called out for plagiarism, it can be a tricky mess.
I know of one blogger who copies the entire synopsis of a film right from Amazon.com and passes it off as her own when it is so obviously not. Makes me pretty crazy that she cannot tell the gist of the film in her own words...after all, why have a blog at all if it isn't in your own words?
Other than that, happy blogging! :)
Nice blog, never heard of deadline before this. I love hearing about movies that fly under the radar.
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