About a year and a half ago I did a series on this blog called
Memorable Moments in Horror. I think in total I picked about a hundred or so moments within movies that resonate with me, freaked me out, and had me thinking about them long after. Well it seems a hundred just isn't enough. Between remembering bits in movies I forgot and adding new movies made within the last couple years, I came up with a whole slew of new ones.
And once again, there will be several parts...
So here goes:
A glance across the lake (The Innocents) |
Farmer Bill burns down the house with his wife & kids inside.
(The Crazies, 2010) |
"What are you doing here?" (Session 9) |
The Reveal (Rosemary's Baby) |
...No Swimming (Creepshow: The Raft) |
Beautiful death courtesy of Argento. (Suspiria) |
The only demonic rabbit I know. (Donnie Darko) |
Just an owl?? (The Fourth Kind) |
A feast for the wolves (Frozen) |
Meeting the (scary-as-shit) Pale Man (Pan's Labyrinth) |
I'm still irked by the scene in the Raft. Still. Creepshow II was on the other night. Watched all of Old Chief Woodenhead and then decided I didn't want to have oil slick nightmares. I totally pussed!
I think Creepshow 2 is pretty underrated actually. My fave is the Hitchhiker one. That dude haunted my dreams for months afterward. I just kept hearing "Thanks for the ride, lady!" Aahhh!
Looking at a snapshot of the Pale Man while listening to Julee Cruise. Thanks. You rule.
Did you like Frozen? I had to watch it on fast forward. The dialogue was painful.
Actually, I did enjoy Frozen quite a bit. I WAS annoyed with the girl character on several occasions and *SPOILER ALERT FOR OTHERS* was rather ticked that it was her that lived. Thought there should have been a 'final guy' instead. But I thought the tension was palpable and after watching it decided I would certainly NEVER go skiing. Like, ever.
did the boat ride in Willy Wonka make this list at some point?
Budd: Just for you, I'm going to add it to the next round. It hadn't crossed my mind, but damn well should have. Quite frightening!
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