Oh, I tried. I tried not to cave to my inner list-maker. Everyone is doing best and worst of lists for the decade, and all of them have been so good - such great picks.
But when push came to shove, I couldn't resist the urge to put my two cents in. But I decided to do mine a little bit differently. As opposed to making a flat-out 'best of' list, I've taken it upon myself to categorize my favorites. Favorite monster flick, favorite J-Horror, etc.
So here goes. And like BJ-C explained in her kick ass post, these are my favorites - not a best of list. Obviously there are more critically acclaimed as well as perhaps more beloved films out there - as well as some that are wonderful but I have yet to see, so- these are movies I appreciated, delighted in, and flat-out loved.
Favorite (and come on, Best) Vampire movie: Let The Right One In (2008)

Let's get this unsurprising choice out of the way right now, as it should come as no shock to any horror fan to find this on all the 'best of' lists of the decade, including mine. The subtle brilliance of a stark cold winter, an utterly terrifying sense of dread, and a sweet yet tragic love story gives us the definitive vampire movie of the decade. And just what does happen to a vampire if you don't invite them in? Find out.
Runner up: 30 Days of Night (2007) - Because it's a great concept, and the vampires were friggin' nasty! Not a twinkle or sparkle to be seen.
*Favorite Monster film: Splinter (2008)

I really can't stress how much I like this movie. I don't even know if it had an actual theater release, but it certainly deserved it. Two couples who are at first enemies change their tune and work together to survive when they discover something rather disturbing at a service station/convenience store. Simple yet effective, with great acting all around and a considerable assemblage of gore - including an arm removal I still squirm at.
Runner up: Feast (2005) - Because of the copious amounts of gore and the amusing campiness.
*Favorite Animals Gone Wild film: Rogue (2007)

You'd think a giant CGI croc menacing a bunch of really annoying touristy-types would make for a crapfest, wouldn't you? But wait a moment... this is one of the most entertaining 'animals gone wild' flicks I've seen in years. A solid cast, beautiful locations, satisfying script - and a tense atmosphere makes for an entertaining 99 minutes. I bought it the day after renting it from Netflix, cause I knew I'd want to see this one again.
Runner Up: Prey (2007) - Because lions ripping people apart looks positively exceptional in HD.
*Favorite Nasty Insects Flick: The Mist

To me, there really wasn't a more powerful or thought-provoking ending in horror in the last decade. Sure, we had some shockers (click here) but the last few minutes of The Mist was so effective, so distressing - that all I could do was just stare as the credits rolled. And all those bugs? First the relatively small ones - then the ones that looked like Jurassic Park rejects? My worst nightmare. No, really.
Runner Up: The Thaw (2009) - Because everyone should be afraid of global warming at some point. This movie will take you there.
*Favorite Werewolf movie: Dog Soldiers (2002)

Runner Up: The Thaw (2009) - Because everyone should be afraid of global warming at some point. This movie will take you there.
*Favorite Werewolf movie: Dog Soldiers (2002)

Before I saw this film I'd been utterly dissatisfied with the werewolf genre for quite some time. Nothing good since An American Werewolf and The Howling. The genre was dead.
But then... I found Dog Soldiers. What a fantastic movie. The wolves were intensely frightening (and HUGE!) and the backwoods Scottish set really set the tone. Everyone should check this one out. There hasn't been a better werewolf film since, and they've got big britches to fill.
Runner up: Ginger Snaps (2000) Because depressing chicks setting up fake deaths is funny. Really.
*Favorite Psychological Horror: Session 9 (2001)

At first, I didn't know what to make of this one. I know I was spooked, big time, by the empty sanitarium (Danvers State Mental Hospital in Mass.) and the eerie serenity of the place. A slow-burning pot boiler about an asbestos removal team cleaning out said asylum has enough psychological frights to keep Freud up for hours. Session 9 grew on me like a fungus. Heavy on the atmosphere and no blood to speak of, the utter brilliance of the cinematography here will have you on the edge of your seat as you watch the men dissolve into their own fears, without much hope of salvation.
Runner up: Dead Birds (2004) - Because nothing says spooky like a deserted old plantation house.
*Favorite Anthology Horror: Trick 'r Treat (2008)

Runner up: Dead Birds (2004) - Because nothing says spooky like a deserted old plantation house.
*Favorite Anthology Horror: Trick 'r Treat (2008)

At the top of most 'best of the year/decade' lists everywhere, Trick 'r Treat brings back the heyday of the horror anthology. This movie had been talked about virally on the horror scene for two years before it finally hit the shelves - cheated out of the mainstream theatrical release it so richly deserved. Blissfully woven together like an intricate tapestry, the stories weren't so much scary as they were mischievous. And the character of Sam cemented his status as a mini-icon of the Halloween season with his tempestuous yet somehow still reserved scene-stalking antics. Movies like this just aren't made anymore, so grab it while you can.
Runner up: Three...Extremes (a.k.a. Sam gang yi, 2004) - Because, seriously...it's Takashi Miike, Chan-wook Park, and Fruit Chan. Enough said, right?
*Fave Zombie movie: Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Firmly planted near the very top of my all-time best remakes list, 2004's Dawn of the Dead waved goodbye to the zombies of the past and said hello to deranged, in your face, manic zombies. All they want is your flesh. No biggie. But they'll run, jump, and chase you down to get it. The cast is spot-on, the action never stops, and the blood splatters everywhere. The first ten minutes are really top-notch. Even though Romero's 1978 original is certainly not to be missed, this update sets its own standards and blows any zombie competition out of the water, in my opinion. Get down with the sickness, cause here - even the zombie baby does.
Runner up: 28 Days Later (2002) - Because it's London. Desolate, nearly uninhabitable, and filled with enraged, zombie-like infected freaks. You gotta love it.
*Fave Horror Comedy: Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Runner up: 28 Days Later (2002) - Because it's London. Desolate, nearly uninhabitable, and filled with enraged, zombie-like infected freaks. You gotta love it.
*Fave Horror Comedy: Shaun of the Dead (2004)

I don't have enough adjectives in my vocabulary to describe my unmitigated, endless love for Shaun of the Dead. Definitely one of my favorite horror films ever, it tells the story of poor Shaun, a sweet slacker Brit, who wakes up one day to (eventually) discover zombies have taken over London. There are more one-liners and jokes than you can shake a stick at here, and I've taken to using quite a lot of them in normal conversation with other like-minded friends. All of the zombie cliches are present and accounted for, as well as a few new ones thrown in for good measure. Boasting a flawless cast and a witty - no, hilarious - script, nothing will make me laugh quicker than hearing the first few strains of this comic perfection starting up.
Runner up: Zombieland (2009) - Because zombies try to take over the world. And we clean house.
*Fave Mainstream J-Horror: The Grudge (2004)
Runner up: Zombieland (2009) - Because zombies try to take over the world. And we clean house.
*Fave Mainstream J-Horror: The Grudge (2004)

I can only assume I'll take a lot of heat for including these two movies here. But I've never seen the original (Ju-On) so you'll have to bear with me. It's hard to decide between the two. The Ring, having come out first and starting the influx of japanese horror re-makes, actually did give me an oogie feeling the first time I saw it. Samara coming out of the well - I doubt anyone can say that didn't give them a bit of a fright. But to be honest, I liked the story of The Grudge better, maybe because I'm a sucker for a wicked curse and a house to go with it. I also think there were more freaky moments in The Grudge than The Ring, but really, they are almost interchangeable.
Runner up: The Ring (2002) Because it was hard to decide which one to pick. Both of them freaked me out the first time I saw them and I'm not afraid to admit it.
*Fave ghost story: The Devil's Backbone (2001)

I was introduced to this one by the guys over at the Horroretc Podcast. They were doing a show on ghost stories and I'd never even heard of it. Naturally my interest was peaked and I immediately rented it via Netflix. So glad I did. Not my first Guillermo del Toro movie (that honor goes to Pans Labyrinth, also exquisite), The Devil's Backbone is a Spanish delicacy in terror. Set against the Spanish Civil War, a small boy (Carlos) is dropped off at a grim orphanage, only to discover there are ghastly secrets haunting the isolated former boarding school that make the tension of the war seem petty in comparison. One of these secrets includes the fate of a former resident, who appears in an ethereal form to scare the pants off our little Carlos - and off anyone watching this smart, atmospheric (beyond belief) masterpiece.
Runner up: The Others (2001) Because the moody ambiance of this film was as thick and ominous as any movie I've seen before or since.
*Fave French Horror: Inside, a.k.a. À l'intérieur, 2007)

Wow. We're talking upsetting when we're talking Inside. Johnny Depp's sister-in-law (had to drop names there!) stars as Sarah, a young pregnant woman whose husband has just died in a car accident. As if this isn't incentive enough for a nervous breakdown, she foregos Christmas Eve with her family and wallows alone at home, only to be stalked first outside then inside (a double entendre of the highest degree) her house by a crazed psychopathic woman hell-bent on stealing her baby. From inside her womb.
Disturbing on soooo many levels, this had to be my fave of the Frenchies. Tough decision because France has been throwing out good ones left and right in the last several years.
Rent this, Martyrs, and Frontier(s) together and you'll no doubt need intensive therapy by the time you're through. Throw in High Tension and Ils and you've got a psychiatric commitment.
Wow, again.
Runner up: Them, a.k.a. Ils (2006) Because I could have picked High Tension but the profound sense of fear and restlessness that this film can produce kicked it up a notch.
*Favorite Foreign film (Excuding French and J-Horror): Cold Prey (Fritt Vilt) (2006)
Disturbing on soooo many levels, this had to be my fave of the Frenchies. Tough decision because France has been throwing out good ones left and right in the last several years.
Rent this, Martyrs, and Frontier(s) together and you'll no doubt need intensive therapy by the time you're through. Throw in High Tension and Ils and you've got a psychiatric commitment.
Wow, again.
Runner up: Them, a.k.a. Ils (2006) Because I could have picked High Tension but the profound sense of fear and restlessness that this film can produce kicked it up a notch.
*Favorite Foreign film (Excuding French and J-Horror): Cold Prey (Fritt Vilt) (2006)

I love horror movies that take place in wintry settings. So it should come as no surprise that I chose the Norwegian film Fritt Vilt as my fave. There were so many to choose from in this category, but when push came to shove, I liked the feeling of complete isolation and terror I got from this one. Five friends go snowboarding off-trail (of course) and one of them ends up with a broken limb (of course), forcing them to search for cover as night approaches. Naturally, they come across a deserted (?) ski chalet of some sort (of course) and break in to get out of the weather.
Though clichéd out the wazoo, I just loved this. Once the group realizes they are not alone, they find themselves in a struggle for survival. Well acted and well received by the horror world, I just couldn't leave it out.
Runner up: Thirst (a.k.a. Bakjwi, 2009) Because the director of Old Boy made a vampire movie.
*Favorite Gorefest: Frontier(s) (a.k.a Frontières, 2007)
Though clichéd out the wazoo, I just loved this. Once the group realizes they are not alone, they find themselves in a struggle for survival. Well acted and well received by the horror world, I just couldn't leave it out.
Runner up: Thirst (a.k.a. Bakjwi, 2009) Because the director of Old Boy made a vampire movie.
*Favorite Gorefest: Frontier(s) (a.k.a Frontières, 2007)

Oh, there was a lot of gore. Over the last decade, there was a ton of gruesome nasties made to shock, disgust and thrill (sometimes all at once) horror fans. It is exceedingly difficult to come up with just one film that encompasses the whole bloody spectrum of horror for the last ten years... I chose this because basically, it's reprehensible, vile, and downright pointless. Not that I didn't like it, mind you - my only real complaint is having to wait too long for the action to start - but this movie is just gross. A lot of other films (especially in the Saw, Hostel, and Final Destination franchises) had gore galore, but this movie just threw it at you with no real explanation - and still came out smelling like a rose.
Runner up: Martyrs (2008) Because it's exceedingly gory and beyond real redemption.
*Favorite Horror Travel film: The Ruins (2008)
Runner up: Martyrs (2008) Because it's exceedingly gory and beyond real redemption.
*Favorite Horror Travel film: The Ruins (2008)

When first they tried to simply cut off the German tourist's legs, then resorted to using a heavy object... I knew there was no going back. There were a lot of tourist/travel-gone-wrong movies in the 00's (Turistas, 1408, Wolf Creek, Hostel 1 & 2, A Perfect Getaway, etc.) but this one was my personal favorite. I loved the Scott Smith book, and was paralyzed with anxiety wondering how they were possibly going to adapt the book, considering the actual menace in the book... but I thought it was done as best as they could.
Runner up: The Descent (2005) - Because I could have easily interchanged these two, but to me The Ruins is a more touristy flick. The Descent is pure horror, and I loved it as well.
*Favorite Nasty Virus/Pandemic flick: Carriers (2009)

Okay. Apparently the world is ending. There is a pandemic of epic proportions wiping out the human race. Sounds silly? Well it's not. Carriers is a real sleeper of a movie. It surprises you when you least expect it, provokes discussion about just what you would do in this instance, and gives us some great apocalyptic scenery. Forced into making difficult and life-altering decisions, four young adults make their way through the wicked landscape of America to what will be their final destination (no pun intended) - the beach.
This is one trip you wouldn't want to make.
Runner up: Cabin Fever (2002) Because I liked the dude that wanted to shoot squirrels cause they were gay.
*Favorite Sci-fi/Alien film: Pitch Black (2000)

Though marginally flawed in the plot department, Pitch Black still gives us some worthy sci-fi thrills along the way. Taking some cues from Alien, it marches its way into the number one spot for me due to its 'less is more' tactics regarding the monster factor here. You've gotta love a film that crashes a spaceship on an unknown planet and its crew proceeds to find themselves stalked not only by said monsters, but by Vin Diesel himself. A guilty pleasure, maybe...but still fun.
Runner up: District 9 (2009) Because the concept was fresh, the acting (in particular by Christopher!) was great, and the aliens were freakin' over-sized crawfish. Never saw that before.
*Best remake: Dawn of the Dead (2006)

I have a deep and abiding affection for Dawn of the Dead, as you can read in the paragraph above under Favorite Zombie flick. This is the only movie that topped two categories, but I just had to have it here as well. I don't think any other attempt at a re-do has turned out even half as well, and we've had some real humdingers (April Fool's Day I'm talking to you!).
Runner up: Last House on the Left (2009) Because while some people felt the classic by Wes Craven should have been off limits, I say a contemporary take on it was warranted. And this one was done well.
*Fave Road Horror: Joy Ride (2001)

No, I didn't just pick this due to my affection for staring at Paul Walker.
Joy Ride is a really great thriller. Lewis (Walker) and his parolee brother Fuller (played with faultless perfection by Steve Zahn) are traveling cross country when they play a harmless game on the CB with a long-distance trucker. Unfortunately, the truck driver doesn't take kindly to their shenanigans, making the road trip from hell a reality.
A taut script, lots of fun tension, and the feeling that this could happen to you are all it takes to make you squirm in your seat. It takes road rage to a whole new level.
Runner up: Wind Chill (2007) - Because I already told you how much I love movies with snow in them. Add ghosts to that and I'm simply gleeful.
*Favorite Bad Kids award: Orphan (2009)

I just reviewed Orphan not too long ago, and you can read that post here. Now you all might know I don't care much for kids. Especially hammer-wielding little sociopath like Esther. There isn't a whole lot to complain about here, and with the lack of other well-regarded competition as far as killer children go, Orphan gets the high marks.
Runner up: Grace (2009) Because babies who can kill are cool in my book.
*Favorite sequel: Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003)

The first hour of the first Jeepers was really fantastic. The bantering siblings, the huge pipe of death, and the first real glance at the Creeper. But then it all went downhill.
Not so in the sequel. They set nearly the entire movie in a broken-down school bus, where a group of teenagers are trapped and fending off continued attacks by one of the ugliest killers in horror history. It's a stressful movie to sit through, the tension leaks out over the whole 104 minutes. I'm not much for sequels because they are usually so poor, but I bought this as a set with the first one, and I can't say I'm sorry.
Runner up: 28 Weeks Later (200 ): Because they upped the gore factor and made the desperation much more tangible.
Favorite 'reality-based' Horror film: [Rec] (2007)

Yeah, I saw Quarantine, and I actually didn't mind it that much. But [Rec] is so much better. Screw the subtitles, you won't even notice them. Screaming is the same in any language. I'm not usually much for reality-type movies, because generally they are using a hand held camera (and this is no different) and I need two Alka-Seltzer and a bottle of ginger ale to get through it. I'm horrible with motion sickness, and these kinds of films are so nausea inducing. But seeing them on the small screen helps. [Rec] is simply horrifying. You have to see it. Another one of those "Hey, this could happen" type of films.
Runner up: Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006) - Because its self-parodying look at how someone aims to become a serial killer just cracked me up.
*Favorite Johnny Depp flick: Sweeney Todd (2007)

Johnny does so many dark movies you can lump into the horror genre that he got his own category here. Much as I love most if not all of his work, I feel Sweeney Todd stands above the rest as a tour de force of unabashed glory. Shit, this movie is good. Doesn't turn gory right off, but you certainly get there. Near the end the screen is practically red from all the blood the demonic barber has spilled. Mrs. Lovett could have been cast with someone other than Burton's honey, but it's my only true complaint here. Johnny shines, again.
Runner up: From Hell (2001) Because Jack the Ripper is always interesting. As is Johnny Depp.
*Favorite Horror Exploitation film: The Devil's Rejects (2005)

Why did I feel like I needed a shower after watching this?
Hearkening back to the grind house days of the 70's, Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects is a study in murderous sadism. The trio of holdouts from House of 1000 Corpses ends up in a bloody showdown with local law enforcement and rides off into the sunset - Thelma and Louise style - while the strains of Freebird play in the background. Could there be a better ending?
The carnage is abundant and brutal, and Zombie holds back nothing. But we wouldn't want him to.
Runner up: Planet Terror (2007) Because Rose McGowan's machine gun leg is waaaay cool.
Favorite tv: True Blood (2008-current)

I won't bore you with idle adoration and recommendations. You can read about that here.
But I will say True Blood is the best show on television, hands down. I simply cannot wait until Season 3 begins, and have given serious thought to taking off to the TB set and sleeping beside the director's trailer until he gives me a walk on part.
I loves me some Sookie and Bill... or Sookie and Eric. Maybe some Bill and Eric (now we're talking!)
Runner up: Moonlight (2007) Because I do love my vampires... and CBS has to be kicking itself in the ASS for canceling this show, with as hot as vampires are right now.
I could kick them as well.
Favorite movie that you probably hate but I like: Shrooms (2007)

Truly a psychedelic head trip at times, Shrooms' main plus is the sense of dread the prerequisite "deep dark woods" brings to the quintet of fungus-happy travelers. Armed with only a moderately knowledgeable mushroom expert (the lovely Jack Huston) and no cell phones (they leave them at their car so that if they get too fucked up they won't panic and call the cops or family... they traverse deep into the woods of Ireland to search out the perfect shroom. Bad thing is, there may or may not be a legend concerning an abandoned orphanage and some sort of slaughter. Yeah... that's what you need to worry about when you're having the hallucinogenic trip of your life.
Runner up: The Return (2006) Because despite its preposterous scenario, it has a wonderful score by Oscar winning Dario Marianelli, and a slow build up. Both of which I love.
*Favorite Horror movie you've never seen: The Abandoned (2006)

This movie just reeks atmosphere. I don't know how else to describe it.
When a woman, seeking her birth parents, goes back to rural Russia to claim a family estate, she finds she has to relive a series of unfortunate events to truly discover what happened in the past and who she has become. Slow yet suspenseful, I've watched this one more than a few times, drawn in by the creepiness factor and the nagging sense of dread it invokes. Confusing, yes. Disconcerting, yes. Goddamned spooky? Yes, yes, yes.
Runner up: Below (2002) Because isn't it scary enough under water?
*All-around favorite film of the decade: Saw (2004)

Where to begin? Gore factor? Check. Brilliant screenwriting? Check. Top-notch casting? Check. Memorable villian? Check, check, check.
Saw is by far my favorite movie to come out of the 2000's. Sequels notwithstanding, the first gem in this washed out series is a diamond in the rough. Hard as nails, brutal as hell, and fun as chickenpox, it is the movie that 85% of films strive to be - and never succeed.
I love every single thing about this movie. Amanda digging through that guy's guts to find the key to free her trap, Lawrence sawing off his goddamned foot, the freakin' pig mask, Jigsaw rising from a pool of blood while the finale music surges.... all just really really good stuff.
I can't think of a movie in the last ten years that has made a bigger impact on the horror genre. If anyone else can, I'd be happy to hear opinions. But for me, I'd be the head of the debate team on this one, folks.
Saw rules.
Runner up: The Descent (2007) Because I didn't even need the repulsive cave dwelling cannibals to be scared shitless. I mean, wow.
And as a bonus: A list of absolutely the shittiest movies of the decade according to me:
Borderline Cult (2007)
Summer's Moon (2009)
Death Tunnel (2005)
Mortuary (2005)
Prom Night (2008)
I know who killed me (2007)
Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008)
When a Stranger Calls (2006)
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)
The Eye (2008)
April Fool's Day (2008)
Day of the Dead (2008)
Diary of the Dead (2007)
Pulse (2006)
The Zombie Diaries (2006)
The Signal (2007)
Thirteen Ghost (2001)
Urban Legends: Bloody Mary (2005)
Van Helsing (2004)
The Wicker Man (2006)
Outstanding list. Yeah, it's very hard to resist the list-making urge...I couldn't either....
I picked your blog for an award/meme thingy! lol You don't have to do what it says but I wanted you to know about it.
I love how you took the idea of the best of the decade list and turned it into your own! I just talked about the awesomeness of it all on my blog because I too gave you an award! woohoo!
Fantastic list!
1) Thanks for the plug <3
2) I LOVE SHROOMS. I think its great haha.
Awesomely comprehensive list!
I'm glad you added in the movie Rogue - I watched that movie so many times, and no matter how many times I will still tense throughout the whole thing.
What an excellent post and different take on the "Best of" list. All great choices (though I have a general loathing of Rob Zombie's films). I actually enjoyed Shrooms too. Reviewed it on my blog a few months ago after randomly watching it. Dog Soldiers was also one of my favorites, along with The Descent of course. Neil Marshall has done good things. Hope it continues.
Good list, lots of lesser known titles on there (Rogue, Abandoned etc.) As for killer kid flicks, I recommend Tom Shankland's The Children from 2008. Loved Orphan as well though.
I'd put Captivity and Feardotcom on my worst list, absolutely dreadful both of them.
Nice selection of films.
Serious props just for liking Jeepers Creepers 2.
Great post.
a little bit scary movie ;)
I mostly agree on your favs, cheers for a good taste :D
DawnOTDead [rem], Descent, 28 days/weeks are in my top ten movies ever.
Very interesting blog you got!
I was hoping for a horror musical... T.T
@Nixi: Well, you did get Sweeney Todd in there...and I would have chosen it for fave horror 'musical' as well...
Also, I was talking films only. May have chosen Evil Dead: The Musical, if I was pressed to pick an actual musical production :)
I have to disagree, I loved Diary of the Dead.
I feel like Dead Snow should have been mentioned.
you must not have seen del toro's "el orfanato." best ghost/spooky house movie ever.
Superb list, really well done.
I couldn't read the rest of the article before posting - 30 Days Of Night vampires had no "sparkle"? They were a godamned goth pop band.
I don;t agree with some of your "shittiest movies" list... thirteen ghosts was entertaining beyond belief. And some of your choices for best of the decade were...questionable. Session 9 was allright and props for putting up alot of unknowns. In my opinion shrooms was tons better than session 9. Have you seen dead birds? surprisingly scary.
Dear Me Clearly Not You: I do believe at the beginning of the post I stated these were my favorites, not a BEST OF list. And I don't think my list is any more questionable than your obvious Twilight obsession.
Oh, and yes - I have seen Dead Birds, like it quite a bit.
I thought Diary of the Dead and The Zombie Diaries were good, though I agree Day of the Dead was AWEFUL. I am a monster movie and zombie movie fanatic, and your list was outstanding. i shall watch as many of these films as possible.
I know your list is your oppinion, however I have to disagree with "Diary of the Dead" and "The Zombie Diaries" being on the shitty list, I love both of those movies, however i do agree that Day of the Dead deserves to be there, zombies that climb on the cealing for no good reason are stupid. Have you seen Spice? It has SUCH AN AWEFUL PLOT, though it was a good idea, and Dren (the monster) was an interesting character. I sumbled upon your list and thought it was wonderful.
Thank you for including Leslie Vernon. I keep trying to get more people to watch it, it's a hoot!
Also, I would have loved to have seen the Spanish thriller The Orphanage on your list somewhere. So, so good, on many different levels.
Thanks for the post, I wrote down my own list of your suggestions that I've yet to see.
This is an awesome list. I've seen some of these and those I haven't seen I want to go watch now. Thanks for compiling the list.
My only problem was the unclosed "(" in the saw comment. really screws with coders
very good list! Had to agree with a lot of your selections..except (as pointed out by Matt)I also loath Rob Zombie's films. I will favorite your list for future use
just came along your blog and this list in particular via stumble upon and I'm really glad I found it because I love me some good horror movies but always don't know what to watch. Your recommendations should help me through some nights, thanks for that!
And...I really like your blog and I will check back from now on. Keep it coming!
What can I say, Christine? I love your lists. They always enlighten me to something I've missed.
Favourite Vampire film: I mean…it almost goes without saying.
Check out Cinco: Philippine anthology…five delicious ways to die.
I’ve got three words for you: Zombies and Cigarettes. You’re welcome.
…You’ve got red on you.
Favourite Mainstream J-Horror REMAKES: Please, these were the only two worth it and in that case I’d have to nudge The Ring above The Grudge: Ju-on wasn’t that great anyway, and they cast Sara Michelle Gellar…what?!
Favourite Ghost Story: Anything Guillermo does is magic. El Espinazo is just sheer perfection.
I recently saw Amer. A bit of Suspiria and Eyes Wide Shut. Good times…gooood times.
Favourite Foreign film: It’s all Spanish all the time for me. So, I’d have to go with El Orfanato.
I don’t really do gore, but I’m in love with Rob Zombie. People will hate me for saying this, but he’s a great storyteller once you get past it all.
Is there anything more disgusting than Cabin Fever? I mean, really? Maybe Cabin Fever 2…HaHA.
Favourite Sci-Fi film: The Cell…done and done. Probably one of the most gorgeous films EVER created.
Best Remake: Again, most are gonna hate me…Halloween. The second horror film I ever saw was Halloween (1978). So, I was pretty much staunchly against the remake anyway. But, I went with a friend who wanted to see it. And I’ll say it, I was impressed. Rob Zombie just tells Michael Myers’ story so well. And, it’s only the second film I’ve ever actually walked out of because of how affected I was. So, go ahead, throw stones at me. I don’t even care.
I’d like to suggest Lake Mungo.
Don’t really watch much telly, but Walking Dead was sheer brilliance.
Saw didn’t do it to me until the last 20 minutes…Cary Elwes’ eyes actually scared the living hell out of me. That crazed look and that desperation, that’s actual fear. But, the other 70 minutes of the film either had me laughing or almost asleep.
As I said before, I love your lists. When you gonna let me write one for you, girl?!
...I can't..describe..the awesome list!
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